Roses are perfect for any occasion because they are classic and they smell just as terrific as they look. Whether you opt for real or silk roses, the lucky recipient is sure to be happy. Below are some common uses for roses:
$ Valentine’s Day. Because the classic red rose is a symbol of passion, it is undeniably the most popular floral arrangement to be given on a holiday that is all about love. On Valentine’s Day, florists find themselves delivering countless orders of roses to all who are lucky enough to have found love.
$ Wedding bouquet. Speaking of love, there is no better day to celebrate it than on a wedding day. Many brides prefer to carry a bouquet draped with roses because of their classic beauty and elegance.
$ Prom corsage and boutonniere. Every high school student looks forward to their prom and, as such, they are responsible for selecting a flower for their date. The gentleman will select a corsage, either wrist or pinned, that will feature a rose and ribbons to coordinate with their date’s dress. The young ladies will select a rose boutonniere for their date, which will commonly feature a simple rose bloom with an accent of babies breath.
$ Mother’s Day. Every woman loves roses and this is especially true of moms on Mother’s Day, which is the perfect day to remind her how much she means to you with a beautiful bouquet of roses or a vase filled with a beautiful arrangement and accented with a red bow.
$ Anniversary. Whether it’s your anniversary, your friends or family, roses are the perfect gift to celebrate this happy occasion.
$ Congratulatory messages for a new birth, graduation, new business or other milestone. Nothing says congratulations quite as well as roses do.
$ Show of appreciation. If someone has been especially kind, helped you through a difficult situation or simply offered you encouragement when you needed it the most, roses are the perfect way to say ‘thank you’ and offer a thoughtful way of showing your appreciation.
Just as there are many different occasions for which roses are appropriate, there are a number of variations in their color. The most classic rose color is red, but these slender beauties are also grown in white, pink, peach, yellow, etc. An arrangement of roses is usually prepared with babies breath, which is a white decorative addition that adds the perfect contrast and brings out the brightness of the rose. If you are looking for a classic way to show you care, roses are just the ticket.